Negative emotions and experiences can become emotional blocks or barriers to achieving our highest potential for health and wellbeing. Relentless or unresolved trauma can manifest as physical pain, dysfunction or disease. It is my experience that trauma can be released in a safe and supportive environment with theraputic touch to bring great relief and remove barriers to wellness.

Emotions or past experiences that are unresolved can manifest as pain, dysfunction or disease and can become a strong barrier preventing wellness. Past traumas can be triggered by mannual therapy and manifest as strong emotions or physical reactions. It is my experience that with a trusting therapeutic relationship that the stored emotions can be triggered in a safe and supportive environment to bring great relief and remove barriers to wellness. Trauma can leave people disengaged and isolated and human connection is vital for our sense of wellbeing and outlook on life. Massage can release the “feel good” hormones to reduce stress. Relentless stress will have a negitive affect on all systems and can cause dysfunction. It is imperative to return the body back to a harmonious state for overall health and happiness.